Special Event Stations and more on the 222 MHz Band

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  • Gordon West WB6NOA

  1. We're on the
  2. 222 megahertz band, it goes from 222 to
  3. 225 megahertz and it's a quiet band,
  4. there are repeaters and all sorts of
  5. digital activities on the 222 to 225
  6. megahertz band that as a brand new ham
  7. you have full access to this band
  8. including 219 to 220 megahertz for
  9. digital forwarding. The 222 band is a
  10. great one to run events with friends
  11. that won't tie up the more popular 2
  12. meter band such as Chip and Dan and
  13. Kristen and Janet that are doing the Los
  14. Angeles Marathon on the 222 band. A
  15. Chip and Janet now and take it easy on
  16. that long, long run. Well, you too,
  17. you guys just take it easy to enjoy. I
  18. keep quite warm out here in the sun.
  19. I'm just gonna run nice and
  20. steady the rest of the way. We're out
  21. there. Well, I've never seen 10
  22. minutes a mile. I ran back on from that
  23. so I can make it. Good to be here.
  24. Hard to get an increase in. And six
  25. feet, two feet, six feet. You can't
  26. kill someone's motherfucker. This is
  27. the police, so they don't want to hear
  28. about K7 on America. Wow, he's making
  29. good time KL7 motherfucker, keep going,
  30. you're doing great, but
  31. remember there are 26 of those. KL7 and
  32. half-way point is the 5K. Wow, 5K even
  33. 26 miles.
  34. Imagine running a marathon on ham radio.
  35. And that's my wife and I in the
  36. background telling Chip and Janet and
  37. Dan and Kristen to keep on running on
  38. the 222 band.
  39. Now they're talking and running at the
  40. same time on 222Congratulations, good
  41. job, talk to you now, there's 6b2 K7K.
  42. Wow, and he even identifies as well.
  43. K7JAC, you're mileage, say you're
  44. mileage in time over. Here's a call per
  45. chip.
  46. What is that?
  47. Two hours.
  48. Two hours into the run. You're gonna
  49. say again mile, say again mile
  50. At 14 miles.
  51. Wow, he's making good time, and if
  52. you're looking for a nice quiet to stand
  53. touch with your loved one, who's also a
  54. ham, you can do it on the 222 to 225
  55. band, where there are plenty of open
  56. repeaters just waiting for conversation.
  57. And if you're not into working repeaters,
  58. you might try a little contest activity
  59. on the 222 band, way at the bottom of
  60. the band, and operate single side band,
  61. and be at a rare location, and have
  62. what we call a pileup And that is 100
  63. stations calling you all at once. That
  64. is a
  65. good
  66. pileup.
  67. And a pileup is when you're located in a
  68. rare area, and a whole bunch of
  69. stations want to work you and that's
  70. what ham radio on the 222 to 225 and
  71. other bands is all about, and that is
  72. making friends. So welcome to Ham Radio,
  73. welcome to the 222 to 225 band, and now
  74. we're gonna meet you on another band in
  75. just a few seconds.