6 Meter Skywave Excitement is Waiting for You

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  • Gordon West WB6NOA

  1. 6 meters, the magic band. Here is some
  2. sky waves skipped that we're picking up
  3. in Southern California with a station in
  4. Florida talking to a station on Long
  5. Island This is
  6. the
  7. 6 meter band from 50 to 54 megahertz for
  8. you to enjoy full privileges as a brand
  9. new ham operator.
  10. Now here's our station on Long Island
  11. She sounds like a New Yorker, doesn't
  12. he?
  13. He's giving his grid square, and you'll
  14. read about that in my yellow technician
  15. class book. Okay, my name is Bob,
  16. bravo Askabravo, and I need to call him.
  17. It's C-O-R-A-M, it's about middle of
  18. the island. My pal Ken, WB2-AMU,
  19. calls 6 meters, the magic band in his
  20. book, because you never know what's
  21. going to happen to signals between 50
  22. and 54 megahertz Well there, I got
  23. somebody tuned in here. And on 6 meters,
  24. the band will come and go over 30
  25. seconds, much like the waves lapping on
  26. a shore. It'll be strong, and then
  27. they'll recede. There they go, now
  28. they're nice and strong, and then they
  29. recede. And we're hearing someone
  30. calling C-Q in Morris Code on the 6
  31. meter band
  32. Now take a listen and hear how
  33. relatively clear The tone is of the
  34. signal
  35. and that's our buddy Ken making a
  36. response to that call but in a few
  37. seconds the six meter magic band is
  38. going to do something that will really
  39. surprise us all.
  40. Wow what's going on here?
  41. Let's turn the beam toward the north and
  42. that's what Ken is doing with this
  43. recording WB2 AMU and we're picking up
  44. CW signals that have a raspy sound
  45. off of an aurora. This is called aurora
  46. communications, and it's typical on six
  47. meters whenever we have sunspot produced
  48. auroras.
  49. Wow, listen to that, there's no tone
  50. at all recovered on receipt.
  51. If we tune around a little bit on six
  52. meters
  53. We hear some with a little bit of tone,
  54. but these are signals reflected off an
  55. aurora borealis to our north.
  56. Well, let's tune up the band and see
  57. what voice sounds like.
  58. Wow!
  59. All of this, thanks to the ionosphere,
  60. charged up by sunspots and auroras
  61. creating all of this excitement on the
  62. magic band, the 6-meter band.
  63. Now where do you find the excitement on
  64. 6 meters? Well, tune 50125 on 6 meters
  65. and likely if the band is open, signals
  66. refracting off the ionosphere, you're
  67. going to hear signals coming in. That
  68. is the calling channel 50125.
  69. Remember, on the 10-meter band, our
  70. calling frequency to stake out for band
  71. openings is 28, 400, 284 MHz, but up
  72. here on 6 meters, 50125.
  73. Now, if you're looking for DX stations
  74. coming in a long way away on 6 meters,
  75. tune
  76. 50110. And when we come up on solar
  77. cycle 24 peaks, we should begin to hear
  78. more exciting transmissions on 6 meters
  79. from thousands of miles away like this.
  80. Hawaii on 6.
  81. Wow, so 6 meters has plenty of
  82. excitement for you using CW or single
  83. sideband. Now, another way to tell
  84. whether or not the 6 meter band is
  85. skipping all over the country or all
  86. over the world is to tune into the
  87. propagation beacons. And the
  88. propagation beacons are down in the
  89. beacon subband 50060
  90. to 50080.
  91. Oh yeah, there are beacons. In fact,
  92. one beacon sounds like it's identifying
  93. itself coming from Australia. Okay,
  94. Victor, can you watch this year, Oscar,
  95. a
  96. CDH of Singleton, 200 kilometers north
  97. west of Sydney, in near South Wales,
  98. Australia. Wow! Now, that's pretty
  99. exciting on the 6-meter band using
  100. single sideband, but you know there's a
  101. lot more to 6 meters than just SSB with
  102. an elaborate SSB radio, you can buy a
  103. handheld, and when hooked up to an
  104. outside antenna, operate FM on 6 meters
  105. and make some local repeater contacts on
  106. frequency modulation, with either a
  107. handheld FM radio or a mobile FM radio.
  108. Station, antenna is key. Yes, that's
  109. right. FM frequency modulation on 6
  110. meters going through relay stations
  111. called repeaters available for all
  112. technician class operators, brand new
  113. to ham radio.
  114. So you can drive around and make
  115. contacts with a hand held on an outside
  116. antenna through the FM repeaters or a
  117. mobile radio as well on 6 meters FM.
  118. Now something else occurs to FM on 6
  119. meters and that is occasionally the band
  120. will open up via sky wave skip and
  121. you'll hear other 6 meter stations
  122. coming in on the national simplex
  123. frequency
  124. 52525 FM. But listen that their FM will
  125. be clear and then via ionospheric skip
  126. sometimes go into a mush sound and then
  127. be clear again. Let's tune into a sky
  128. wave station thousands of miles away
  129. coming in on 6 meters simplex
  130. Nice and clear,
  131. now very noisy,
  132. wow that's amazing, that is 6 meters FM
  133. where sometimes the signals are loud and
  134. clear and other times they get very
  135. garbled due to phase distortion of that
  136. 6 meter signal, but it's sky wave
  137. coming in from Stonehidge,
  138. Massachusetts, wow! I tell you, there
  139. is no end to the excitement on 6 meters,
  140. let's go to the top of the van and wait
  141. a minute, what in the world is that,
  142. that's radio control, did you know as a
  143. technician class ham radio operator,
  144. you can operate radio control up to a
  145. watt output. on the six meter band,
  146. and you can get off of those garage door
  147. frequencies and have your own radio
  148. control channel on six meters.
  149. Very strange. I'm here at Julian's
  150. house and he's got these big antennas
  151. aimed up at the sky at the moon and he's
  152. transmitting
  153. Let's listen again.
  154. Wow that's a signal coming off the moon
  155. from his own transmitter and you can do
  156. that down at the bottom end of the six
  157. meter band and did you ever wonder what
  158. signals off the moon beside this echo
  159. sound like? Well take a listen to these
  160. CW signals coming off the moon on six
  161. meters.
  162. That's moon bounce on six meters
  163. hearing signals coming off
  164. Wow, there's plenty of excitement on
  165. the 6-meter van, huh?
  166. Alright, how about something more
  167. challenging on 6-meter's meteor scatter?
  168. That's a signal coming off of a meteor.
  169. And there's the response by our
  170. transmitting station and then listen for
  171. the dit-dah-dit on the receiving station
  172. via meteors.
  173. Okay, listen carefully. Here it comes.
  174. Ha ha! Got 'em did audit. So plenty of
  175. excitement on 6 meters, the magic band