About the ARRL Learning Center

Whether you're just starting out or are looking to take your skills to the next level, the ARRL Learning Center is here to keep your amateur radio adventure going. We help you get the most out of your license, putting more than 105 years of expertise online and at your fingertips, so that you can get the comprehensive, high-quality training and information you need, whenever you want, wherever you are. 

FAQs about the Learning Center.

Who can access the courses in the Learning Center?

Anyone with an interest in Amateur Radio and improving their skills. A selection of courses is available to anyone with a free ARRL account. All other courses are available only to members.

How do I become an ARRL member?

To become an ARRL Member, click Get Started in the navigation. You will then be prompted to visit https://www.arrl.org/membership where you will select Join/Renew from the options available. Then complete and submit the form to create your Member Account and gain full access to the ARRL Learning Center, as well as all other member benefits. This is also how you can renew your ARRL Membership each year.

How are the courses structured?

Courses are typically presented through a sequence of topics called modules. Each module may contain videos, reading materials, links to relevant resources, and assessments. Many courses offer certificates of completion for learners who complete the entire course.

How do I log in or retrieve my password?

How do I log in or retrieve my password? Visit the following page to reset your password: https://www.arrl.org/forgot-password

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